Alexandre Pais

Notícias de Armstrong e da sua gente by Twitter


Lance Armstrong lancearmstrong

Major technical difficulties for “The Current” in the derby. @lukearmstrong and I are reviewing things. Wasn’t our year.

Adios Texas Stadium. Growing up in the Dallas area I went to quite a few games there as a kid. Those were gr8 years for the Cowboys.

TeamRadioShack TeamRadioShack

Paris-Roubaix Recap: Swiss Precision Yet Again. #TRS – And Fumy too – always a crowd favorite. – Lequatre also finished in Roubaix. – This is the face of Paris-Roubaix! 

Gregory Rast was best-placed team rider, followed by Popo. Tomas Vaitkus and Markel Irizar also finished. Report to follow!  

johanbruyneel johanbruyneel

Here’s the link in flemish: 

He basically says: he’s happy cancellara won & not boonen so he keeps his record. & HE would’ve beaten cance coz he was faster on the track.  

Reading the reaction of Roger Devlaeminck after Paris-Roubaix. Winning that race 4 times must leave some brain damage. Pay attention Fabian!

I was biting my tongue on this one for a while already anyway, couldn’t hold back any longer… 

I’m just saying what the majority of the people in Belgium think when they hear this man speak…   

Chris Horner hornerakg

Back in my home in Denia, Spain. Wanted to say thanks to the tweeter family out there for the great comments. Thanks guys!

Por Alexandre Pais
Alexandre Pais


