Alexandre Pais


Notícias de Armstrong e da sua gente by Twitter


lancearmstrong Major technical difficulties for “The Current” in the derby. @lukearmstrong and I are reviewing things. Wasn’t our year. Adios Texas Stadium. Growing up in the Dallas area I went to quite a few games there as a kid. Those were gr8 years for the Cowboys. TeamRadioShack Paris-Roubaix Recap: Swiss Precision Yet Again. #TRS  – And Fumy too – always a crowd...

Tiago Machado já dá entrevistas em… inglês!


TeamRadioShack Video: Tiago Machado speaks on the 2010 season: #TRS Circuit de la Sarthe Stage 3 Recap: #TRS lancearmstrong stin, Texas!!! – In Bangor, Maine w/ @annahansen, @maxarmstrong1, @trek_ben, and @knollio. Congrats to @hornerakg on his stellar performance in the Tour of the Basque Country today. Great job redneck!!! Woke up feeling much better this morning. Headed back to the... (53)


  A Quinta do Careca voltou a ultrapassar hoje as 3 mil visitas. Como diria o outro: obrigado, portugueses. Ribeiro Cristóvão, David Borges e Joaquim Rita na SIC Notícias, a darem show. Quem souber pouco de futebol que os ouça e aprenderá. Muito bom. Joaquim Rita saiu demasiado cedo dos jornais, na imprensa portuguesa está quase tudo ao contrário. E na “desportiva”, então…...

TeamRadioShack no Twitter (33)


lancearmstrong SRAM’s looking for some actors for an upcoming tv spot, think I should apply?? TeamRadioShack Video @lancearmstrong and Popo train on the cobbles: #TRS The Official @TeamRadioShack Store is here. Get your shirts, hats, gear, and more! Check it out: #TRS  johanbruyneel Having dinner w 6-days legend, olympic champ, TDF stage & green jersey winner (& a lot more) Patrick... (51)


  Últimos 4 jogos de Villas-Boas na Liga: 0V, 1E, 3D. Não ganha desde 22 de Fevereiro. Últimos 10 jogos de Villas-Boas na Liga: 3V, 2E, 5D. …E como ele diz que a ida para o Sporting é uma “palhaçada”, já não sei não. Na edição de sábado de Record direi o que penso desta farsa. Nesta história dos golpes em Bissau só lamento o dinheirinho dos contribuintes que Portugal lá tem... (50)


Quase três mil visitantes hoje na Quinta do Careca, o segundo melhor resultado de sempre, ou seja… dos últimos 75 dias. Wozniacki e Henin estão a jogar os “quartos” do Torneio de Miami, em direto no Eurosport. Quem gostar de ténis e puder ver… Como irá PPC acabar com estas banhadas quinzenais que Sócrates lhes dá na AR? Artistas convidados mfalcao Pinto da Costa obteve...

TeamRadioShack no Twitter (31)


lancearmstrong How ‘bout Baylor knocking on the door of Final Four??? @lukearmstrong & I went 2 see em play UT (which they won). At the time I thought, uh? – Home sweet home w/ @maxarmstrong1!!! Never been to Corsica? Imagine France, Ireland, Texas, and the Carribean all colliding in the Mediterranean. What a badass place. TeamRadioShack no Twitter (30) was awesome here in Crit...

TeamRadioShack no Twitter (30)


johanbruyneel Hard day here in Corsica. @teamradioshack did well today w/ Tiago (2nd), Chris (8th) & Ben (9th). Double day 2morrow, short night 2night. TeamRadioShack Criterium International Recap: #TRS  Volta a Catalunya stage 6 recap: #TRS Rosseler shows strength once again: #TRS  lancearmstrong  What a pleasure to see Cyrille Guimard today too. Legend. Getting post race massage and...

TeamRadioShack no Twitter (28)


LeviLeipheimer Sounds like that Tony Kornhoser guy got what he wanted, a bunch of attention and an interview with @lancearmstrong. Never heard of him B4! lancearmstrong Sea Change: Feds Deem Pedestrians, Cyclists and Motorists Equals (via @sfcriticalmass) Of course bike-centric infrastructure helps but not always reality. Encourage ur elected officials to fund these projects. 1 world 2 wheels...

TeamRadioShack no Twitter (27)


  johanbruyneel Excited to announce the debut of casual clothing collection! Let me know what you think! Madrid-Marseille-Nice-Madrid-Nice-Madrid-Milan-Nice-Madrid-Paris-London-Nice-Ajaccio-Madrid. My 2nd half of March schedule… itsdouet @lancearmstrong Now available on youtube Thank God for youtube  LeviLeipheimer Support #liveSTRONG, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! –...

Alexandre Pais


