Alexandre Pais

TeamRadioShack no Twitter (15)


TeamRadioShack TeamRadioShack Tour of Murcia Stage 2 Recap: Impey Holds 5th in Murcia. #TRS

Check out the @grahamwatson10 photos from Day 1 at Murcia: #TRS

 Lance Armstrong lancearmstrong Alright, i “f’d” this up. too many people guessed and now i can’t scroll down to the person who got it. It was Miles Davis. Who said that?

Some damn good guesses. I’m just checking the responses – quite a lot. Someone got it tho.

Post race massage. And yes, I get them everyday. Can anyone guess what’s on the ipod? First to guess gets something cool…

And muchas gracias to the people for the support here. I must say though, I’m a little surprised by it!

St 2 done here in Murcia. Coupla decent hills in the middle but race stayed together. Surprise, surprise…it was windy again. – @teamradioshack‘s new bus. Nice!

Por Alexandre Pais
Alexandre Pais


