Alexandre Pais

From Russia with (or without) love


[collapse]—–Original Message—–
From: Elena []
Sent: segunda-feira, 3 de Janeiro de 2011 12:49
Subject: Happy New Year


My name is Elena, I am 34 years old and write from the Russian province.

I work in a public library and after my work allows me to use the computer when possible.

I found some addresses on the Internet and have decided to write this letter to you.

I have a 9 year old daughter, his father left us and we live with my mother.

A few months ago my mother lost his work because of the great crisis of our province, and now our situation is much difficult.

Electricity and gas are very expensive, and we can no longer afford them to heat our home.

We have winter and the days are getting colder every day.

We do not know, how to do, and we have many worries.

The only way to heat our home is to use a portable stove to heat with burning wood. We have wood savings in our shed and this wood is able to heat our home all winter without any cost to us.

Unfortunately we can not buy these portable stove in our local market because the value of this furnace is 8150 rubles, and for us (equival. of 280 dollars) are very expensive.

I hope with my heart that it is possible for you to help our family.

If you have any old portable wood burning stove that is burning with the wood, and if it does not use you, we are very grateful if you can to donate it for us and transport towards the furnace to us (we live are in 200 kilometers. distance from Moscow).

This ovens are different, they are usually made of cast iron and weigh about 100 kg .

I wish you all the best in the New Year! I wish that the New Year will bring you hapiness and good health!



Por Alexandre Pais
Alexandre Pais


